Struggling to constantly adjust your finances to meet the $500 average daily balance increase? Want to keep the rest of your money for other investments? We've got you covered the simple calculator below. Give it a try now!

At least 500 for 1.5% interest rate.

Suggested to set it to 1 or 2 days before the last day of the month to check.

Copy value from OCBC Online Banking: Available Balance in 360 Account.

Copy value from OCBC online banking.

Copy value from OCBC online banking.

The amount to adjust to reach the targeted average daily balance increase.

The balance in the account after adjustment.

1. We do not send data out from the website and all data are only used for calculation on the fly.
2. This is a simple program for calculation. Please try and test it by yourself. We do not hold any responsibility of the outcome.
3. The target amount would not match exactly, due to some other factors, e.g., date of adjustment (whether it is non-working days). 4. Let us know via if you have any feedback.

Enhance your financial routine with a Habit Tracker App. Set reminders for balance adjustments and ensure you double-check at the end of each month.

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